working from home relieves the stressNo matter where you are in life, having an at-home business is a good way to both make a living and help bridge the gap during difficult financial and personal times. Just ask Cindy Smith because she did just that–more than once.

Cindy didn’t want to return to work after her second child was born, but she found herself working in a bank when her little one was 13 months old. It was her way of contributing to the household finances, and it was needed at the time.

Fast-forward a few years, and Cindy found herself laid off. And she knew that she didn’t want to go back to a job outside the home.

Cindy’s mom, Barbara, had built a skin care/cosmetics business with a party plan company and she encouraged Cindy to give it a try–after all, she was already using the products. Cindy agreed and the rest is history. Or so she thought.

Cindy now had time freedom and flexibility since she was her own boss. But ‘life’, over the next few years, kept offering surprises.

A third child was born. A divorce. A party plan business that didn’t offer a consistent paycheck. Most single moms struggle, trying to make ends meet and still spend quality time with their children. But Cindy was determined to provide for her family AND be fully present for her children. She made it a priority to be active in her children’s lives and schools while she continued to build her party plan business.

When the party plan company suddenly closed, Cindy tried a few different network marketing businesses, but none of them felt quite right. She bought the kits and tried to grow teams, but she knew it just wasn’t the best fit. In the meantime, Barbara had found that perfect fit: a business that doesn’t require kits or parties. One that simply helps others with shopping for quality and inexpensive products for health, beauty and home. Once again, Barbara encouraged Cindy to join her in this new venture.

Life on your own terms - Cindy Smith

After some initial resistance, Cindy finally dove in. And she was blown away by the ease with which she could build a business. A business that helps others save money and time because they’re shopping online, not in a physical store. No more long lines. No impulse shopping. And better products at a better price.

Now with her kids grown and a handful or two of grand kids living nearby, Cindy has been able to help bridge the financial gap as her husband was recently laid off. Not only that, but she can be there for her grandchildren just like she was there for her kids, attending awards assemblies, volunteering to chaperone field trips and watching sports games.

Cindy never gave up on her dream to be able to provide for her family AND be the mom, wife and grandmother she envisioned. She is seeing her dream come true. As the saying goes, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

life on your own terms - Cindy Smith grandchildrenCindy Smith and her husband, Ken, have been married since February 2007. Together, they have 5 children and 9 grandchildren.