About Us

We are a Trusted Resource

for millions of customers, worldwide. Parents love our online store because our products are safe and affordable. Health enthusiasts love us because our products are cutting edge and backed by science. Athletes love our sports nutrition line because it delivers. Millennials love us because our store and products just make sense. And all this results in extremely loyal customers, which can help you have a dependable income. We invite you to watch Lissa tell her story, as both a customer AND as a member of our team.

We represent an American manufacturer of household consumer goods that specializes in healthier products at better prices.  We are not distributors nor are we a multi-level marketing company.  Our business model is a simple one:

  • products are manufactured here in the US
  • customers shop direct at our online store

As a member of our team, your job is simply to educate others on our products and the benefits of switching from a traditional way of shopping retail to a simpler, more beneficial way of shopping direct from our manufacturer. Through our referral program, we also help others build a stream of residual income that can be used as a resource to help others achieve their goals, whether it’s peace of mind or time freedom.

Finally, we want to address our inability to discuss our specific products or company on this website. Due to trademark rights, our corporate media guidelines prohibit us from featuring products or using our company’s name directly on platforms outside our national website. As we honor that guideline, we wanted to share our own personal experiences as to why this has been such a wonderful company with which to work. You will see our personal life stories throughout our site.

We encourage you to contact us personally and allow us the opportunity to give you a closer look at who we are as a company and as a team.  We invite you to take an online tour of our store and see our amazing products. The more you know about this company, the more you’ll understand why we love it and the opportunities it provides. Balancing work and family can be challenging. Achieving time freedom may seem out of reach. We believe we have the right vehicle to help you achieve all that and more, so that you too can live Life on Your Own Terms!