I love adventure! I majored in Musical Theatre so I get to participate in local shows, where I can live out adventures on stage. I marries my soulmate, who is from Alaska, and we love traveling there as well as creating our own adventures! Our newest adventure is due on Thanksgiving Day when we have our first child!

When I was introduced to the Life On Your Own Terms Team and this online store, it made total sense. Who doesn’t want safer products for their family and their home, and who doesn’t want to save money and time in the process! And by simply referring those I care about to this same store, I get rewarded financially!

Have you ever felt you had to do things wrong in order to learn the right way? That’s how it was for me in my first few jobs. I have worked in restaurants, retail, knocking-on-door sales, and I was even an Algebra teacher for a year. Nothing felt right. I knew I was capable of anything, and I could do any of those jobs well, but I wasn’t happy. I felt like all I did was work and it was affecting my home life. I believed I could find a balance between having a satisfying career and a quality life. I am so happy now that I have found a way to work for myself and have all the flexibility in the world.