I’m a baby boomer. I started working before I was 16 and haven’t stopped yet! After spending 27 years in corporate America, I said goodbye to that world. I could no longer keep up with the ever increasing time and travel demands from my job as well as those from my three children who were very active in school, sports, and other activities – but not yet driving! Something had to give! Reluctantly, I resigned from my executive position, and for the first time in my life, became a full time stay-at-home mom which was not an easy transition. Once we got our home life back in balance, and my oldest daughter got her driver’s license, I was ready to go back to work! Believe it or not, I truly love working! I wanted to work in an industry that allowed me to excel in the workplace while still being able to put my family first, and finding that balance wasn’t easy. Today, I have the best of both worlds. I am able to keep my life in order, help take care of my granddaughter and do the things I enjoy while also earning an income and helping others do the same.